by | Nov 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
There is no arguing that America has a problem with gun violence. The problem is that no one is really sure how to tackle this growing epidemic. With the latest incident in Las Vegas and its large death toll — perpetrated by just one man with over 40 guns...
by | Apr 25, 2014 | Media
A Canadian pardon allows people with a criminal record to have better educational and job opportunities in life and gives them a chance to reintegrate into the society. Contrary to popular belief, a pardon does not totally erase your criminal past. In March 2012, the...
by | Sep 20, 2013 | Media
In the highly anticipated case of R v. Kidane, the Defendant (K) was charged with committing an armed robbery with a firearm. At the outset, the case seemed “airtight” for the Crown Attorney. The allegations were that K and a co-accused committed an armed robbery...